Few people garden without wearing gardening gloves to protect their hands. So why is it that so many people garden without wearing gardening sleeves to protect their arms? One good reason to wear gardening sleeves is the word Cutaneous. It may sound a lot like the word cute, but Cutaneous Toxicity is not cute.
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Landscaping Arm Sleeves – Trim the hedge, not your skin!
Landscaping is hard work that is usually performed in the sun. Your body can become tired, your muscles can become fatigued, and with over exposure to the harmful UV rays of the sun, your skin can become sun burned and repeated damaged. And then there is the occasional bite of a bug, prick of a thorn, and cuts and scratches that leave your arms sore and irritated. Whether you are a professional landscaper or tending to your own hedges, landscaping arm sleeves will make your work safer and more enjoyable.
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Gardening Sleeves – Care for your flowers and your skin!
It is a well known fact that gardening can be good for your health. Research studies have shown that gardening can relieve stress, reduce depression, improve physical health, and lower the odds of developing dementia. But if you garden in the sun without protecting your arms, your are putting yourself at risk. You need to care for your flowers and your skin.
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Camouflage Compression Arm Sleeves – The clothing of nature
Camouflage. Originating from the French word “camoufler” meaning “to disguise”, camouflage is the color of nature. With so many practical uses and stylish variations, camouflage compression arm sleeves is an ideal choice for function and fashion.
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Rainbow Color Compression Arm Sleeves – A show of pride and support
There are many reasons to wear compression arm sleeves. They can be worn for performance, comfort, skin protection, and style. When it comes to rainbow color compression arm sleeves, they can be also worn for pride and support.
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Solid Color Compression Arm Sleeves – Look good, play good
When you wear compression arm sleeves, you absolutely want quality sleeves that are the right size. However, the color of your compression arm sleeves is important too. While many first time compression arm sleeve users often opt for the standard white sleeve color, once you become a regular sleeve wearer, you will want to add a few colors to your wardrobe. Consider the following:
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White Compression Arm Sleeves – The color that goes with everything
What color compression arm sleeves do you like best? What color is the most popular? What color is the most popular among men and among women? What color compression arm sleeve is most popular among young people and older people? For a given sport or activity, what color compression arm sleeve are folks likely to wear? For all those questions and many others just like them, the answer and sleeve that is most popular is the white compression arm sleeve. And here’s why…
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ADA Tour de Cure – Form a Team, Tour and Cure
Whether you are a competitive cyclist, a newcomer to the sport, or just a healthy-minded individual looking for a new, healthy lifestyle activity to take on, consider forming or joining a team, riding a tour, and helping the American Diabetes Association raise money for the cure.
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Skin Cancer Facts – Refresh Your Knowledge Today
Don’t rely upon the skin care practices and information of the past, rather stay current in the advice of today’s leading skin care physicians and professionals. Refresh your knowledge today with these Skin Cancer Facts. Continue reading “Skin Cancer Facts – Refresh Your Knowledge Today”
How to Wear a Cycling Cap – Top 10 Rules of the Road
The following compilation of rules is hardly an official and agreed to set of binding rules for those in the sport, but rather what we think comprise the best of the best perspectives from all involved on how to wear a cycling cap. So here goes.
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